

Suppurative inflammation and Dosha imbalance

Ayurveda believes that there is no illness in itself. In order for it to appear, there are deviations from the optimal state that allowed the disease to occur and develop. It is a deviation from the energy balance in the body, where one of the Doshas has increased and has come out of balance with the other two.

Mixed deviations of different Doshas are possible. Abscesses in Ayurveda are associated with an imbalance of Pitta which is responsible for all transformations and metabolism.

Inflammation is also a sign of a weakened immunity system which cannot cope with the bacteria and for which Kapha is responsible. In addition, water Kapha is also associated with inflammatory fluids.

Abscesses can also be caused by clogging of some of the energy channels called srotas. There are different srotas in the body – air (for the breath), alimentary (for the food), water (for the body fluids), muscle, bone, etc. until the srotas for waste disposal are reached. The increase of any Dosha may block a channel. Poor nutrition is at the heart of energy imbalance. It occurs when harmful for the given Doshas foods are consumed, or eating is done in an inappropriate way, which can turn the beneficial food into useless or even harmful.

Therefore, abscess treatment is usually aimed at correcting Pitta or Kapha, or both, depending on what diagnosis will be given by the Ayurvedic doctor. This is done through complex measures in a number of ways – purification from toxins, rational diet to optimize the digestive fire, advisable foods, spices and tastes for the appropriate Dosha correction, yoga practices.

Of course, it helps against the pain. Apart from handling the particular inflammation spot, they also use a number of herbs either on their own or combined with food. Ginger, ashwaganda, turmeric and many others have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect.

Suppurative inflammation Abscess | Ayurvedasofia.bg

Efficient methods of treating the inflammation spot

In addition to restoring the normal functions of the whole organism, in order to remove the root cause of disease, Ayurveda also has an effect on the symptoms of the disease.

That is why there are numerous means and ways in which, in the case of abscesses, the inflammation spot is directly treated. According to the stage of development of the abscesscompresses, baths with potions and extracts, oils, ointments and herbs can be used.

There are also recipes that can be prepared with supplies from the kitchen. But in any case, a consultation with a doctor is advised, because in case of erroneous self-treatment, inflammation can be aggravated, spread to a larger area, or bacteria can spread through the bloodstream.

Out of the "kitchen pharmacy", for example, corn flour can be boiled in milk and applied to the abscess to pull out the pus. Mixing flour and honey with water to apply on the inflammation spot has the same effect.

Another combination is also effective – if a fresh yolk is added to the honey and flour. A teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of flour is enough. The mixture should stay cool, with compresses being applied every three hours. The evening compress applied before bedtime is changed in the morning.

A fresh garlic juice or fresh onion pulp can also be applied, but it should not be left longer than two hours because it will irritate the skin. Another option is to apply chopped tomato after morning sunbathing on the spot and bandage it. Even just a piece of bread can be applied and left for a while.

Ayurveda has a number of herbs for direct impact on the inflammation. For example, there is a practice to bathe the spot with blossomed elderberry, as well as apply plantago which has strong antibacterial properties. A compress of fresh plantago leaves, well washed and bandaged with gauze can be applied every three hours.  

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