

In ayurveda condition of tonsillitis is known as Tundikeri. It is well described in old ancient classical text of Ayurveda called Susrutha Samhita. The condition is characterized by Shopha (inflammation) at root of tempero- mandibular joint in oral cavity. In ayurvedic text disease is classified under Kanthagata and talugata means the appeared at throat and inside oral cavity.

Children are more prone to get affected by this condition. In kapha dominated countries like European union, tonsillitis can be observed in any age group depending on climatic variations with temperature. During winter and spring, it is more active.

Causative factor


Fish especially with lot of fat and big in size is reason to develop the condition of tonsillitis. Eating fish raw fish for dinner can trigger condition. In meat product red meat, is reason. In dairy products curd and milk is reason for developing condition. Food with excessive sweet taste like sweet chocolate jams etc are reason to start tonsillitis.

Life style

Unable to maintain the Oral hygiene– brushing the teeth regularly with correct toothpaste is important key to avoid the condition. Lack of garaging practice after meals is a reason to start the tonsillitis.

Sleeping in prone position is cause of tonsillitis for overnight causes the tonsillitis. People who take a bath after meals suffers from tonsillitis. Habit of taking bath from cold water and drinking cold water and cold drinks causes the serious problem for tonsils.

Development of disease

Due to causative factors mentioned before starts to affect the digestion results into general symptoms like laziness, heaviness in body, mild irritation can be seen at throat. In next stage persons starts to feel pricking sensation in throat.

After this person starts to feel pain in the area of throat region and also feels difficulty to swallow the food.

In final phase, person suffers from burning sensation at throat, pricking pain, excess salivation and dysphasia with weakness in body and anorexia and fever.

In Ayurveda there are two types of tonsillitis- first is known as Vata-pittaja means acute pharyngo tonsillitis, and another one is kapha raktaja means chronic follicular tonsillitis.

Gargle with warm water | Ayurvedasofia.bgDiet and regulation to control condition

  1. Cereals, barley bread, meat soup with less fat, boiled water ginger, black pepper are used in food preparation for a person who suffers from tonsillitis.
  2. Ghee can be used for food preparation bet small quantity.
  3. Person has to avoid all causative factors from diet and as lifestyle practice.
  4. Means- avoid fish, red meat, curd, milk, very sour taste fruits, dry meat. Chocolate sweet jam etc
  5. Avoid cold water and oily food.
  6. Avoid the bath with cold water and also taking bath after food.
  7. Avoid exposure to cold climate and cold breeze.
  8. Try to sleep on left or right lateral side of body.


  • Gargling with warm water helps to keep tonsillitis away. During tonsillitis person can use warm water mixed with salt for gargling.  The jethamadha decoction is highly used for treatment purpose.
  • Brushing teeth is also important act for oral health. Toothpaste with herbal medicine can be helpful to prevent the condition
  • Drinking tea – person suffering from tonsillitis may use more herbal tea in diet in order to feel heat on affected area. In Ayurveda it is known as swedana.
  • In some condition medicated plan emesis (vamana) is used to treat condtion.
  • For local application over affected area herbal powders like rajanyadi churnam is used.
  • In some text the blood letting is described as treatment.
  • Medication inhalation of smoke is also done to treat condition.
  • In some cases agnikarma ( cauterization) is used to heal the condition.  
  • Ayurvedic herbal preparation like Dasamulakatutrayadi Kwatham (Tablet), Pippalyasavam, Thalisapatradi Vatakam, Talisapatradi churnam are useful to treat condition successfully.            

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