What is the principle of treatment in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient system of health that combines a nature-based lifestyle with body therapies, herbal medicine and Ayurvedic nutrition.

According to the philosophy of Ayurveda, health brings happiness and vice versa – happiness and harmony bring health.

Therefore, the treatment is aimed at eliminating the imbalances that hinder the harmony between the body, mind and emotions of the person.

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Types of Energies in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, there are three types of energies that determine health and natural physiological processes in the body:

• Vata (air and ether) – responsible for blood circulation, heartbeat and breathing;
• Pitta (fire and water) – responsible for metabolism and the exchange of substances;
• Kapha (water and earth) – responsible for the immune system and body growth.

In order to be in good health, it is necessary for the three Doshas to be in balance, with one of them being the leading one.

If there is an imbalance between the energies in the body, sooner or later a disease process begins.

Diagnostics according to Ayurvedic medicine

Ancient Indian medicine uses eight ways to diagnose the disease. These are:
Nadi (pulse)
Mootra (urine)
Mala (faeces)
Jiva (tongue)
Shabda (speech)
Sparsha (touch)
Druk (vision)
Aakruti (Appearance)
In addition, Ayurvedic therapists also take into account factors such as emotional and physical trauma, lifestyle and environment that create a complete picture for the individual patient.

Types of treatment and prevention according to Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, there are eight different types of treatment for diseases:

• Kayachikitsa (general medicine): treatment of general ailments.
• Kaumara-Brtuya and Bala Roga: treatment of children.
• Shalaya Tantra: Surgical Treatment.
• Salakaya Tantra (Ophthalmology): treatment of the teeth, eyes, nose, ears, etc.
• Bhuta – Vidya: treatment of diseases caused by microorganisms or alcohol use.
• Agada Tantra: Healing through Poison Antidotes.
• Rasayana – Tantra (Geriatrics): Natural Methods of Rejuvenation.
• Vajikarana Tantra (Aphrodisiacs): Reproductive Health and Libido.

Therapy 1
At the discretion of the Ayurvedic therapist, methods from different directions can be applied that correspond to the patient’s condition.

Natural nutrition according to the Ayurvedic tradition

In Ayurveda, great importance is attached to nutrition as a source of vital energy.

• It is important to use quality, fresh and freshly prepared products.
• Food is prepared in a clean room, with clean clothes and bright thoughts.
• It is served beautifully, offered with love and consumed in a calm state of mind and with deep attention to the food.
• Prepared food according to Ayurveda should be consumed within 3 hours of its preparation.
• In the Ayurvedic regimen, three meals a day are recommended, and they are tailored to the individual body type of the person.

According to Ayurvedic understanding, if a food is tasty, it will also be healthy. And if it is not, then it will not bring the necessary energy and benefit to the body, even if it is prepared with otherwise healthy products.

Types of food in Ayurveda

Ayurveda believed that food consists of three types:
Food with sattva guna
It is a food carrying the energy charge of goodness.
Includes products that have a juicy, pleasant buttery taste and pleasant aroma, such as:

• Apricot
• Orange and tangerine
• Watermelon
• Aronia
• Pear
• Pomegranate
• Buckwheat
• Walnuts
• Ginger
• Corn
• Gooseberry
• Carrot
• Fresh fruits and vegetables
• Cereals
• Spices
• Dairy products
• Lentils, etc.

Food with rajas guna
Rajas guna is the energy charge of passion.

Includes products with an overly pronounced taste or smell, excessively hot, bitter or salty dishes, as well as dry, hot and spicy food:

• Zucchini
• Cashew
• Kefir
• Cinnamon
• Lemon
• Rye and peach
• Salad
• Almond
• Hazelnut
• Barley bulgur
• Sunflower seeds
• Cucumber
• Pepper
• Coffee, green tea, etc.

Food with tamas guna
Tamas guna is the energy charge of ignorance.

Includes products that are not fresh and were prepared more than 3 hours before the meal, as well as:

• Meat
• Fish
• Eggs
• Mushrooms
• Onion and garlic
• Canned foods and semi-finished products
• Bread
• Yeast
• Spirits
• All products that have undergone a fermentation process other than lactic acid.

It is important to keep in mind that not all types of food that belong to a given guna remain at the same energy level.

For example, if we start eating an apple which is Sattva guna and leave it uneaten for some time, then it turns into Rajas and after decaying into Tamas.

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