Treatment of Ascit with Ayurveda


What is ascites and what causes the condition

Ascites can be regarded as an independent disease that causes serious discomfort and a number of health problems. At the same time ascites is actually a complication resulting from other severe illnesses. These may be tumors, for example, of the stomach or intestine, the pancreas, the mammary gland, ovaries, uterus, etc.

Ascites may also be caused by liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver toxic damage, obstructed liver veins. The causes of ascites may include also cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, kidneys, as well as pulmonary diseases such as tuberculosis.

Ascites disease itself is swelling of the abdomen because of the accumulated free liquid in it. This liquid may reach up to 20 liters in some cases. This leads to a severely swollen abdomen accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and tension, often with pain, umbilical hernia, breathing problems to the extent of severe shortness of breath, nausea, swollen feet, etc.  These symptoms occur because of the pressure on various external organs – diaphragm, bowels, heart, which disturbs their function.

Early diagnosis of ascites is very important as it will also help to treat the disease that has caused the ascites. It is very important to be aware of the content of the accumulated liquid in the abdomen. If the liquid is colorless, without microorganisms and increased protiens, this can be a sign of cirrhosis, kidney or cardiac problem /failure/. If there is an increased protein content, as well increased content of leucocytes, erythrocytes, this indicates tuberculosis infection. If it is filled with fat, as well as with mesothelial cells, white blood cells, erythrocytes this may be caused by a cancerous disease.

Medical statistics show that the percentage of ascites caused by cirrhosis is nearly 80 of all cases. If the cirrhosis is compensated, the general treatment has favorable prospects. If it is decompressed, life expectancy is low and transplantation may be necessary.

The condition is as severe when the ascites is caused by kidney or cardiac failure. All this is a confirmation of how important it is not to ignore the abdominal swelling and to seek medical help on time.

Ayurvedic treatment

To release the fluid from the abdomen, Ayurveda uses numerous natural diuretics. Very popular as a diuretic is the punarnava herb, but other herbs also have these properties such as coriander, burdock, lemongrass, mint, cinnamon, juniper, parsley, garlic, Aloe Vera, tribulus terrestris, and so on. Along with the release of liquids, the disease that have caused ascites gets healed.

Treatment of ascit |

This, however, happens in a specific way. Ayurveda does not actually cure only the respective health problem. It restores completely all the functions in the body. Thus, it removes the root causes of the diseases: the organism works perfectly, it self-regulates and is perfectly protected due to the high immunity.

This restoration takes place by regaining the energy balance between the three Doshas – the vital energies that manage the functions of the organs. Each one of them is responsible for certain activities in the body. Vata dosha is responsible for the movements, Pitta dosha – or the transformations, and the liquids are managed by Kapha dosha. These three forces are set at birth in unique proportions for each person.

In this regard, one or two of these doshas are predominant, and this determines the type of Dosha of the person. In fact, this proportion of the forces is optimal for the health. However, if a Dosha goes out of balance, certain systems begin to function incorrectly and diseases occur as a result.

That is why it depends on which organs work insufficiently and why. If, for example, the ascites is caused by liver disease, this indicates a Pitta imbalance, which needs to be corrected. The balance can be restored with proper nutrition, herbs that can be consumed or rubbed in the body, herbal saunas, oil pouring and massages, toxin cleansing, yoga, and so on.

All this is a complex approach and is important, but a particular attention should be paid to nutrition. It is always individual for everyone, but there are some common principles. The consumed liquids should be reduced to a liter per day, the food should be unsalted and cooked, and the recommended meals are chicken broths and tender beef meat. The consumption of whole grain flour, Basmati rice, potatoes, tomatoes, amla, dried fruits and almonds should be increased.

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