Paralysis of the body


Paralysis – energy imbalance

For Ayurveda, man is a micromodel of Nature, and it is a projection of the Universe. Thus, the human organism exists in dynamic equilibrium of motion, transformation, exchange and cyclic recurrence. This is accomplished through the flow of vital energy – Prana, into the body.

It is the same energy that moves the elements and processes in the Universe. In man, vital energy moves through multiple channels in the body. The largest of these is the digestive tract; there are also some fine channels of impulses of the nervous system and the thought flow. When the fine channels are damaged or blocked, the transmission of nerve and brain impulses to the muscles is obstructed and they do not work; this is caused by paralysis.

Violations in the body leading to paralysis accumulate when the balance of the Dosha responsible for movements (Vata) occurs. This balance is between three Doshas/energies in the body.

For each person, a certain balance between Vata, Pitta (responsible for the body's transformations) and Kapha (responsible for fluids, immunity and growth) is set at their birth.

In the interrelation between the three Doshas/energies, one or two have a predominance, which determines the basic type of Dosha of a person. When this balance is disturbed, tissue and organ damage begins and the systems begin to function improperly. This leads to illnesses.

Whether it is the determinant or not for the basic type of Dosha of the person, Vata energy prevails in the nerves and the brain. The paralysis directs the Ayurveda physician first to balancing of Vata. However, it is taken into account that the increase of the other two Doshas – Pitta and Kapha may also influence the paralysis, which can also block the fine channels for nerve impulses.

Besides, usually, the disturbances are not only in one of the Doshas in the body but are a combination of imbalances. Therefore, in case of paralysis a precise Ayurvedic diagnosis  is required to assess whether, apart from Vata, it is also necessary to return another Dosha to balance.

Ayurveda leafs and spices |

Nutrition, daily regime, spices and herbs

Nutrition is especially important for Doshas in balance. For each dosha there is a certain type of beneficial food, consistency, combinations in one meal. If the diet does not conform to the Doshaimbalances are caused.

This is also related to the whole lifestyle because it is about habits in everyday life. That's why the return of the Dosha to balance is done by changing the way of eating and the daily routines. This is accompanied by the intake of medicinal remedies from nature – herbs, oils, massages, purifying the body from toxins.

In Ayurveda treatment, the doctor gives detailed information nutrition guidelines and lifestyle in the future, so as not to get ill again.

In order to return the Dosha to its normal state and neutralize the effects of imbalance, Ayurveda uses opposites. This applies to both nutrition and medication.

Vata is a dry, cold, light Dosha. It is therefore balanced with wet or liquid foods. They should be freshly cooked and consumed warm; they should also be greasier. Avoid cold and dry food, raw food, bitter, spicy and tart foods.

It is also best for the person not to be in a cold and windy place, to establish and follow a strict daily regime, to limit travel and not to overload mentally.

Ayurveda has numerous herbs for balancing of Vata, some of which are also widely used as spices. Perhaps the most popular is ginger, though there are many other herbs with a strong calming effect like it. As a spice, ginger can be put in soups, in a variety of other dishes – from vegetables to baked apples, marinades, sauces.

It is also used in tea, it can be raw, grated, powdered. Tumeric, cardamom, thyme, cumin, fenugreek, oregano, rosemary can also be used.

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