

Depressions with the various Doshas

Vata dosha depression

Of the three body energies, by which, all the body functions are carried out, the most prone to provoking depression is Vata. This Dosha is an "Air” one, light, mobile and nervous.

Psychologically, it is linked to anxiety, lability, frequent mood swings, strong sensitivity and a tendency for the problems to be exaggerated. Even the typical physical characteristics speak about instability – poor digestion, easy deterioration of the teeth; the climatic changes such as the cold weather make these people ill more than the others, etc. Vata is the least resistant to stressful conditions, which easily leads to neurosis and depression. Vata depressions include a sense of failure, uselessness, sense of guilt, anxiety psychosis. The appetite and sleep are lost, frequent urination starts. People are easily excited and irritable, though, during most of the day, they are apathetic, without interest in their activities, often reaching suicidal thoughts.

Pita dosha depression

With Pita depression, often there are light forms which go away – caused by failed exam, a refused promotion at work, etc. However, Pitta is characterized by ambitiousness, penetrability, rigour, and self-exactingness. So the failures can cause strong disappointment, self-accusation, a feeling that the overall control is lost, and it cannot be returned, which is the basis for a deep depression. This gives rise to anger, fear for the future, which makes the people anxious, quick-tempered. In this Dosha, the psychological disorders have seasonalness – they are more frequent in the winter, but in lighter forms.

Kapha dosha depression

Kapha depression could lead to complete self-isolation and denial of the others’ world. At an emotional level, this happens with the collapse of some of the mainstays of the settled life, inherent to Kapha. Typical for the Kapha people is that they become strongly attached to their work and the not many people with whom they communicate, and are extremely loyal and consistent. When in depression, they fall into stiffness, lethargy, sorrow for the past; a general sense of heaviness appears, the consciousness becomes obscure and they lose interest and orientation for what's happening around them.   

Ayurveda depression treatment | Ayurvedasofia.bgHow Ayurveda cures depressions

For the treatment of depressions, Ayurveda applies a complex of different methods. The aim is the imbalanced Doshas to be balanced, the body systems to start functioning optimally and the health to be restored. What the overall recuperation complex should be, the Ayurveda doctor decides after the exam and the diagnostics. This complex includes suitable for the Doshas foods, spices for these foods, the use of oils for massages, herbs, Yoga postures, and exercises.

The healthy diet is particularly important. Many foods have the properties of natural anti-depressants – they contain calcium, magnesium, folic acid, etc. For the nervous system very effective is the mango, with rich-in-magnesium content; it soothes the mind and the nerves. Healthy are cabbage, tomatoes, honey, saffron, asparagus, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, etc. Universally healthy are the coriander, the turmeric, and the ginger. Spices used are the clove, the black pepper, nutmeg, cardamom. Yoga helps against depression with its smooth focused movements, which to be combined with a certain way of breathing. With nervous overexcitation, the respiration is fast and intermittent. The breathing exercises help to clear the mental channels, to eliminate negative feelings like fear, anger, irritability, to balance the nervous system. Here in assistance comes the meditation as well. For the elimination of mental problems, oil massages are also used – they relax the body; abolish anxiety. When massaging with sesame oil, the stress is reduced; the intake of a few drops of warmed Ghee via the nose in the morning and in the evening relax the nervous system. Very suitable for the removal of the stress and the feeling of anger is the procedure Shiro Dhara, at which, the face of the lying patient is flushed and gently massaged with medicated oil in the area of the "third eye" – the centre of the emotions, senses, and mind. Aromatherapy is also used – nerves get tranquilized with etheric oils, obtained from camomile, lavender, lemon balm, incense, sandalwood, pine needles, etc.

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