Cataract Treatment with Ayurveda



Definition of the disease

Cataract in the eye is a thick, cloudy area that forms in the lens of the eye. The retina works by converting light coming through the lens into signals. In this disease,  protein appears in the eye and forms lumps  that prevent the lens from sending clear images to the  retina, therefore unable to send signals to the optic nerve,  which carries them to the brain. This disease develops slowly over time and then eventually impairs your vision.

Cataract is common in the elderly. If a person is over 60 and eyesight has become blurred or blurred, this may be due to cataracts. With age-related cataracts,  the power of the lens may increase, causing myopia (myopia). Cataract usually progresses slowly to lead to loss of vision and is potentially blinding if left untreated. Usually it affects both eyes, but one eye is always affected earlier than the other.


The lens of the eye consists mainly of  water and proteins.  The protein is arranged in a specific way that  keeps the lens clean and allows light to pass through it  to focus a clear image on the surface of the retina. With age, some of the protein binds together and begins to blur a small area of ​​the lens. Here's how to cause age-related cataracts. Over time, cataracts may become denser or cloud more than the lens, making it harder to see. However, it should be noted that cataracts are not growth or tumors.

There are many causes of juvenile cataracts or secondary cataracts. Secondary cataracts are the result of similar changes to the lens protein, which also leads to visual blurring or loss of vision. This is also due to eye injury, eye surgery for other eye conditions and exposure to ionizing, infrared and ultraviolet radiation.


  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • See colors differently
  • Sudden changes in prescription glasses
  • Cataract symptoms also include problems while driving at night, such as glare from approaching headlights.
  • Glare or reflection issues during the day.
  • Double vision in the affected eye.

There are different types of cataracts

  • Nuclear cataractis one type of cataract that forms in the middle of the lens and causes the nucleus to turn yellow or brown.
  • Cortical cataractis a wedge-shaped cataract that forms around the edges of the nucleus.
  • Rear capsule cataractforms faster than the other two types and affects the back of the lens.
  • Congenital cataracts, are the types of cataracts that are present at birth or formed during the baby's first year, are rarer than age-related cataracts.
  • Secondary cataractis caused by illness or medication.
  • Radiation cataractscan be formed after a person has undergone radiation treatment for cancer.

Diet and lifestyle tips

In order to correct worsening worsening, ghee is highly recommended in cataracts, especially in max triphala ghee. Maha triphala ghee provides nourishment and strengthens the nerves and other tissues of the eye ball. For a person suffering from cataracts, it is crucial that he or she remain clear of  constipation. Therefore, triphala is good for constipation and also useful for vision.

Cows butter, milk, butter, rice, wheat, mung dal, banana, mint, spinach, grapes, pomegranate, apples and oranges are recommended. Cataract sufferers should avoid spicy, bitter, acidic and salty foods. They should avoid excessive heat and sun exposure.

Ayurvedic cataract treatment

In Ayurveda, cataracts are called timings or lingas of ours. When the lens of the eye loses its transparency, vision is blocked. One of the properties of wadding is that it dries things up. This condition is known as cataract.

If started at an early stage, cataract treatment in Ayurveda is very effective. During Ayurvedic treatment  the goal is to reduce  the deteriorated body energy  and nourish and strengthen the nerves and tissues of the eye. There are various herbal remedies for the treatment of cataracts in Ayurveda such as:

  • Maha triphala ghritais commonly prescribed as a treatment for cataracts in Ayurveda. Triphala provides nourishment and strengthens the nerves and other tissues of the eyeball, while ghee is balanced by exacerbated vata.
  • Triphala choornashould be taken and a glass of water added to it in the evening. Cover and keep aside for 12 hours. Use this filtrate for both eyewash and intake.
  • Chandrodaya vartiis an external drug used to treat cataracts in Ayurveda. It can be applied to the eyes. Because it is slightly irritating in nature, it causes tears in the eyes and promotes blood circulation.

There are few home remedies to cure cataract eye disease such as:

Good  nutritional sources of Vitamin E, which includes sunflower seeds, almonds and spinach. Other studies have shown antioxidant vitamins such as Vitamin C and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of cataracts.

Another tip for preventing cataracts is to wear protective sunglasses that block 100 percent of the sun's UV rays when outdoors.

  • Be consistent with your eye checks.
  • Avoid direct contact with toxic chemicals, X-rays, infrared rays.
  • Stop smoking
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Keep diabetes and other medical conditions under control

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