Difference between Ayurveda and homeopathy


Ayurveda and Homeopathy – Philosophies for Life

The pursuit of a beautiful figure, good health and excellent inner balance has become a cult in modern society. However, these are not always achievable goals, mainly due to the fast pace, which sometimes goes beyond the rules of environmentally friendly lifestyle. 

In their quest to stay healthy, people are looking for alternative ways to preserve or overcome the negative effects of the environment on themselves.

Ayurveda and homeopathy are some of the most common ways to achieve much needed harmony for each of us. Both approaches are in the field of alternative therapies , which differ from classical medicine, but are often applied in parallel with it. 

These are some of the main similarities between them, but Ayurveda and homeopathy themselves differ in their approach and origin. 


Difference between Ayurveda and homeopathy

Ayurveda is a millennial life science founded about five centuries ago in ancient India. Over the years, the accumulated knowledge about the world and man has been studied, preserved and preserved for generations to come. Today, the philosophy of the ancient sage transcends the boundaries of his homeland and enjoys admirers around the world.

It is not only a way of knowing the world and the universe, but it contains a set of methods and means of treatment , as well as rules for environmentally friendly living. We judge the origins of Ayurveda from the many written evidences and artifacts on the basis of which the doctrine continues to develop today.


Homeopathy is a relatively newer philosophy of life. In the last few decades, it has found more and more adherents and is often used as an alternative or parallel system for treating human diseases.

It is believed that the foundation of homeopathy was laid in the 18th century , and its origin is associated with the name of Hahnemann , who is a famous German physician.

Similarities & Differences 

At the heart of Ayurveda is the understanding of the three energies that make up a person and on which the balance in him depends. These are Pita. Coffee and Vata. In addition, according to ancient Indian teachings, the world is made up of five basic elements, which are air, fire, water, earth and space.

Unlike Indian teaching, homeopathy is based on the philosophy of vitalism. It is accepted that it is based on the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher and thinker Aristotle. 

To some extent, Ayurveda and homeopathy have a similarity in understanding that each person is a universe that is determined by internal and external factors . They, in turn, have a significant impact on his health, in every aspect – physical, mental and emotional. 

Difference between Ayurveda and homeopathy

There are significant differences, especially in terms of diagnosis and methods used by healers in Ayurveda or homeopathic treatment.

Indian doctors believe that the physical, spiritual and emotional nature of a person are inextricably linked. In addition, they believe that the most important thing is to first find and eliminate the cause of the disease and only then to treat the consequences.

Homeopathic treatment looks at the symptoms and these various signs of the disease, as in classical medicine, that is, they are leading in determining the subsequent treatment. 

Perhaps the great similarity between the two approaches is that they rely entirely on natural and natural remedies in the actual treatment of various diseases or conditions. 

Medicinal plants such as herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables are a major source of essential ingredients in therapies. Ayurveda also recommends therapeutic gymnastics, massages, detoxification and many other ways to overcome the harmful effects. 

Homeopathy also relies on products of animal origin. Along with plants, they are also a source for making medicines, mainly with the help of alcohol or aqueous solutions, which can be used to extract useful ingredients. 

Unlike Ayurveda, no additional practices are required here, such as meditation, therapeutic gymnastics, steam baths with healing oils and the like.

While Ayurveda literally translates as life science, homeopathy means similar pathology. According to the latest philosophy, treatment is achieved with active substances. Theirs the goal is to cause similar conditions of the specific disease, but in a moderate form, so that our body can fight on its own. 

The idea is to stimulate a person's immune system to work at full capacity and cope with the disease. Here, too, there is a significant difference from Ayurveda, which relies on therapies and healing substances to restore the disturbed balance in humans. 

Indian medicine is looking not only for treatment, but also for ways to prevent the disease. For its part, homeopathy focuses on diseases only when they occur. So when we are healthy we do not need additional effects. Ayurveda recommends constant meditation, healthy eating and maintaining balance.

Here it is important to note another similarity between the two approaches, namely that attach importance to food , which may be part of the healing process. Herbs are a significant example. Their effectiveness is recognized by both types of practices. 

Are Ayurveda and Homeopathy compatible with classical medicine?

Ayurveda is fully applicable as a concomitant therapy . Homeopathy prefers its approach not to overlap with others during the activation of the immune system. Therefore, concomitant medication is not recommended.

Ayurveda handles some natural rules that can be part of our daily lives, regardless of our health.

However, when it comes to treating a serious problem, it is best to discuss our condition and future treatment with the supervising physician so that he or she can decide whether it is advisable to practice concomitant therapies. 

Difference between Ayurveda and homeopathy

The reason is that sometimes these therapies can be mutually exclusive and this is more harmful than helpful to the patient. In addition, it is necessary to tailor therapies to the individual condition of a person. 

In conclusion, it can be said that the compatibility of Ayurveda and homeopathy with traditional medicine needs to be clarified according to the specific problem.

It is best to first accurately diagnose to decide which approach will be best and most useful for us. For this purpose, it is necessary to perform a medical examination and appoint a set of tests.

Once it is clear, all possible therapies and diets or procedures can be discussed. Sometimes patients respond extremely well to combining treatments or their subsequent treatment.

In Ayurveda and homeopathy, as well as in the classical approach of traditional medicine, examinations are always performed with personal acquaintance of the medical person with the problem, signs, complaints and symptoms. Only then is it decided what methods and treatments could be applied.

The specialist can measure the heart rate, blood pressure, look into the eyes or feel the affected area. It is good to give accurate answers and describe everything that feels or seems atypical.

Sometimes the disease can manifest itself in mood swings, emotions or cause sleep disorders, hot and cold sensations, loss of appetite, lack of energy, etc. 

All these changes can only help the doctor get to the cause of the patient's health condition faster and more accurately. 

Proper and timely diagnosis is a guarantee for higher success in overcoming the problem, as well as to prevent deterioration of the general condition. During treatment, it is important to follow the exact instructions of the specialist who conducts the therapy, whether it is alternative or classic.


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