Menopause and Ayurveda


As much as we do not want, menopause comes into the life of every woman, and we have nothing else to do but accept these natural changes in our bodies.

It is up to us whether we will try to oppose the entry into this new stage of our lives or accept it and try to get through it as lightly and seamlessly as possible.

Because there is one truth, and it is that there is a time when we have to stop fighting with time in an attempt to keep our youth and look ahead where many more wonderful years of life are awaiting us.

Actually, what is menopause?

Menopause is not a disease but a completely natural process through which every woman passes. This is just a transitional phase that occurs as a result of the hormonal and emotional changes that occur in a woman's body after a certain age.

The first thing that changes during pre-menopause and menopause is the decrease and eventually cessation of the menstrual cycle putting an end to the time when a woman may have children. It is precisely this change that is most frightening, and it is just that it can cause a series of additional changes, the symptoms of which are the onset of hot flashes, irritability, anxiety, depression, abdominal pain, chest pain, weight gain, and more.

What can we do to alleviate the symptoms?

In modern medicine, it is common practice to prescribe hormonal therapy for women during menopause. This therapy, however, does not affect all ladies equally, as each has a different organism and different lifestyle.

Unlike the medicine familiar to us, Ayurveda approaches it in a different way by preventing or reducing symptoms using herbs that rejuvenate the female reproductive organs. Unlike synthetic hormones, these herbs supply the body with natural precursors for the synthesis of estrogens and progesterone.

Many Ayurvedic herbs can help reinforce and rejuvenate the female reproductive system, normalize hormones and balance emotions. Such herbs and plants are aloe vera, shatavari, saffron, kapikachu, asvagandha and others. Herbal preparations are also prescribed for improving immunity, rejuvenating, balancing mental relaxation and promoting effective digestion.

Indian Holistic Medicine also offers some very useful Ayurvedic recovery practices that we want to introduce to you, but before that…

Dosha elements in Ayurveda | Ayurvedasofia.bgMenopause and doshas

Menopause occurs in adulthood, and this according to Ayurveda, is the time when Vata Dosha is the most dominant. That is why most of the women in this period have symptoms that are characteristic of Vata Dosha imbalance – depression, nervousness, restlessness, sleep disturbances and so on.

Although this dosha dominates, it does not necessarily mean that all women feel this way, on the contrary. Some of the ladies have symptoms of imbalance of the other two doshas as well.

Those women, who have Kapha dosha's symptoms feel feeble, gain weight, feel physical and mental fatigue, and those with symptoms of Pitta suffer from hot flashes and often fall into nervous crises.

How does Ayurveda help in menopause?

Before the Ayurveda restoration begins, the Vedic physician establishes the symptom that manifests itself to find out which dosha is the dominant one. Thus, the Ayurvedic specialist can help most effectively by prescribing herbal preparations, foods and exercises that would be of the greatest benefit to the woman in menopause.

Menopause in Vata dosha

The symptoms here are: nervousness, anxiety, panic, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of skin tone, cold feeling, irregular cycles, insomnia, mild or intermittent hot waves, constipation, palpitations, abdominal swelling, pain in the body, joint pains.

Ayurveda restoration of Vata Dosha includes:

  • increasing the amount of hot food and beverages;
  • regular eating;
  • use of spices such as dill and caraway;
  • reducing the consumption of caffeine and other stimulants such as refined sugar and carbonated beverages;
  • going to bet early;
  • daily massage with almond oil;
  • practicing yoga and meditation;
  • regular exercise and long walks.

Menopause Pitta type

Women with this type of symptom tend to experience angry outbursts, irritability, hot flashes, sweating at night, urinary tract infections, skin rashes and acne.


  • increase the intake of cooling products like water, sweet juicy fruits and vegetables (grapes, pears, plums, mango, melons, apples, zucchini, yellow pumpkin, cucumbers);
  • use spices such as cinnamon, cardamom and dill;
  • avoid hot, spicy foods, hot drinks and alcohol;
  • avoid eating late;
  • bedtime before 10 PM;
  • daily self-massage with coconut and sesame oil;
  • practice meditation and other methods of reducing anger;
  • restrict physical activity and exposure to sun.

Menopause Kapha type

Kapha menopause Symptoms are: weight gain, lethargy, apathy, fluid retention, fungal infections, laziness, depression, lack of motivation, slow digestion.

Ayurveda recommendations:

  • consumption of light, dry and warm food;
  • use of more fruits, whole grains, legumes and vegetables;
  • use of spices like black pepper, turmeric and ginger;
  • avoid the consumption of meat, cheese, sugar, cold food and beverages;
  • possibly skip dinner or have dinner not later than 6 PM;
  • get up early (if possible before 6 AM);
  • massage with linseed oil.

Holistic medicine offers a whole series of tips and practices that can benefit the easier passage through menopause and quicker Ayurvedic recovery.



Oil, paste and ointment massages regulate hormonal processes and reduce strong emotions such as irritation and anger.

Skin nourishment

Particular attention should be paid to the skin as the excess of Vata may make it dry and loose. That is why Ayurveda recommends using sesame oil to nourish the skin.

Regular exercises

Physical exercises, yoga, meditation and walks also help to ease the transition during menopause.

Proper nutrition and lifestyle changes are of great importance in Ayurveda menopause recovery.

Advice on adapting to a healthy life before and during menopause:

  • eat less and consume high quality food;
  • avoid excessive consumption of salt, chili, hot spices, cayenne, mustard;
  • Avoid very salty or acidic foods and pay attention to yogurt, fruit and, in particular, sour fruits;
  • reduce the consumption of caffeine and other stimulants such as refined sugar, carbonated beverages and others;
  • reduce animal fat;
  • avoid consuming old food and strong alcohol;
  • increase the consumption of hot food and beverages,
  • eat at the same time every day;
  • go to bed early and get enough hours of sleep;
  • do regular exercise as they help to normalize the hormonal balance and improve the mood;
  • meditate and do yoga exercises to get rid of the accumulated tension and anxiety;
  • detoxify your body by going through one of Ayurveda’s cleansing procedures.

Preparations that help Ayurveda recovering

In herbal medicine, many herbal preparations are used to alleviate menopause symptoms but the most recommended ones are:


The plant acts as a regenerating agent because it contains substances similar to the hormones in the female organism.


The active ingredient of this plant is derived from the fruits and seeds of the Amlabaues. Amalaki rejuvenates and restores, improves immune powers, purifies blood and suppresses inflammation.


It is used for menopause symptoms, menstrual pain and abdominal cramps. It has a soothing and analgesic effect.


This plant harmonizes mental and emotional imbalances and is used in Indian medicine as a sedative (its effect is similar to the one of valerian, which is widely used in Europe to soothe and reduce stress).

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