Treatment of neurological diseases with Ayurveda


How neurological diseases occur

Neurological diseases are caused by impairments in the cerebrum, spinal cord, or the network of nerves through which the brain impulses are transmitted to the brain, and feedback is information obtained.  If the cerebrum or spinal cord is affected, then we are talking about diseases of the central nervous system. If the impairments are related to nerves, nerve plexus or nerve nodes, then we are talking about diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

Diseases associated with the cerebrum are:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Epilepsy
  • Fobias
  • Autism
  • Mental or anxiety disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression and others.

If the tissue of the cerebrum gets inflamed, we are talking about encephalitis. Infection is usually caused by viruses and the symptoms include:

  • High fever
  • Trembling
  • Seizures
  • Numbness in the leg
  • Or in the hand
  • Sleepiness may occur
  • As well as hallucinations and delusions

Meningitis is also an inflammation, but of the braincase, which is caused by viruses or bacteria. It causes pain in the head, neck, nausea, vomiting, seizures, etc. The condition is life-threatening, it can lead to severe health problems. Inflammations may occur also in the spinal cord – both on the braincase and the brain matter.

Myelitis is caused by bacteria, viruses, accumulated poisons in the organism. Radiculitis and plexitis are inflammations of nerves of the peripheral nervous system, related to the spinal cord. Generally speaking, the limbs become immobilized because of the pain.

According to Ayurveda, neurological diseases are related to the imbalance of the Vata energy. There are also two other energies in the body – Pitta and Kapha. These three essesnces called Doshas are set in a unique proportion for every person at birth. This unique proportion of the energies is the natural balance. If one of these doshas disturbs the equilibrium, it causes imbalances also in the other two energies. Thus the functions of certain organs that are managed by the imbalanced dosha get disturbed, and disease processes occur in the body.

Vata dosha may become increased due to various factors that affect it directly – imporoper foods, incorrect consumption, climatic conditions, and so on. But the disturbances may be caused also by the other two Doshas. This will be determined by the qualified Ayurveda specialist who will prescribe the proper treatment.

Neurological diseases and Ayurveda | Ayurvedasofia.bgNeurological diseases and treatment with the help of Ayurveda

Ayurveda focuses on the restoration of the natural balance of the Doshas. This is done by:

  • Certain foods and spices, as spices are often herbal
  • Releasing the body from the toxins
  • Daily regimen
  • Specific yogic practices

The suitable nutrition for Vata is regular and frequent. The foods should be freshly cooked, warm, liquid, heavy and oily. Raw, cold and dry foods, as well as cold drinks, are contraindicated. Balancing tastes are the salty, sweet and sour.

Among the suitable products are the Basmati rice, oats, wheat, quinoa, as red lentils is recommended of the legumes. Milk is also present in the menu but it should be boiled and consumed warm. Traditionally in the evening should be consumed a glass of milk with dill, turmeric, nutmeg, saffron, etc.

Honey is also recommended for Vata, as well as sesame oil and ghee butter, soaked nuts – walnuts, almonds, and so on. The best herbs and spices for Vata are the:

  • Asafetida
  • Nutmeg
  • Ajwain
  • Ginger and others.

The herbal products can be used as spices, as well as they can be consumed alone, in powder, capsules, tablets, teas, syrups, and so on. The foods that should be avoided are the yeast, white sugar, coffee, chips, biscuits, dry snacks, etc. 

Purification of toxins is done in two ways – internally and externally, as the processes are often combined. The external procedures /Puvakarma/ include pouring with oils, various massages, rubbing herbs, steam procedures and herbal potions, etc. The internal cleansing /Panchakarma/ includes laxatives and cleansing remedies and therapies.

The goal is to neutralize the poisons so they will not cause damage to the cells and clogging of the fine channels through which these three energies flow. Meditation is especially useful for Vata dosha, because it soothes the nervous system, and it can be combined with a number of yoga practices that are also applied in the course of the Ayurvedic treatment.

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