Treatment of Ayurveda headache


 Definition of headache

Headache is a symptom, not a disease, and can be caused by high blood pressure, insomnia, low vision, sinusitis, hunger, anemia, listening to strong music, learning in the wrong light, emotional tension, fatigue, constipation and flatulence. In Ayurveda, headache is known as Shirahshool. Headaches can be accompanied by eye pain, nosebleeds or dizziness, depending on the energy of the body that is worsening. Treatment for headache begins with a proper assessment of the causes and causes first.





Improper diet and lifestyle  cause wadding (damage) of vata(air) and cafa (water). As the pain intensifies, the wadding also tarnishes the pit dosha (fire), causing a burning sensation in the head, nausea and vomiting. Headache is also often caused by emotional stress, fatigue or insomnia. All these causes are considered along with Ayurvedic observations before the start of Ayurveda headache treatment.




  •  Pain in the back of the neck and shoulders.
  •  Headache.



Ayurvedic treatment for headache


The traditional science of Ayurveda believes that headache is caused by two main reasons – a sensitive nervous system and indigestion. Improper diet and lifestyle cause worsening of Pita (Ayurvedic Humor representing Fire) in the body.

In poor condition, Pita impairs digestion leading to the production of digestive impurities (known as ama). This well is stored in the  manovahi (smart canals) structures, thus causing headaches.  Ayurvedic treatment for headache focuses on the complete elimination of toxins and strengthening the mental channels for long-term relief.


Sensitive nervous system lowers ojas (energy) in the body. Ojas is the essence of all body tissues and provides strength to the nervous system and body. If you have a strong nervous system, you can fight problems and continue working with a healthy mind. Lowering ojas causes migraine problems.


Ayurvedic headache treatment is not focused on simply relieving pain but aims at treating the root cause Herbal remedies are used to balance impaired body energy and restore digestive function.



Diet and lifestyle tips


  •  Eat hot and easily digestible foods cooked and stewed vegetables, soups, vegetable juices, porridge, brown rice and whole grain flour.
  •  Eat fruits such as apples, papaya, mangoes, grapes and pears.
  •  Iron, salads and cooked rice, honeycomb with cinnamon, cumin seeds and garlic or asafetida are good throughout the day.
  •  5-6 almonds or nuts and some raisins can also be consumed daily.
  •  Avoid refined, oily, spicy, cold and stagnant foods.
  •  Avoid yogurt, especially at night.
  •  Avoid working continuously for long hours; take short breaks.
  •  Avoid excessive exposure to cold or hot weather Cover your head with an umbrella or wear a hat or cap when going out.



Home remedies



Apply ground clay paste or sandalwood powder mixed with rose water to relieve burning sensation with headache. Grind 10-12 grains of pepper and 10-12 grains of rice with water to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area of ​​the head for 15-20 minutes. Mix ¼ teaspoon carnation powder with 1 teaspoon cinnamon oil. Apply this paste on the affected area for 20-30 minutes.


Many people resort to painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) to relieve their headaches. But these over-the-counter drugs just suppress the symptoms, just to have a headache again. Frequent headache is an indication of deeper problems that can be resolved by preventive medical science like Ayurveda. There are many types of headaches such as migraines, tension or sinus headaches. According to Ayurveda, it is important to first consider which dosha is involved in order to cure the root cause.


Vata headache


Wadding types of tension headaches can be caused by excessive mental stress, nervous exhaustion and insomnia. The dry wool quality can create dehydration in the body, causing constipation and stiff muscles in the neck, shoulder and back, causing headaches.

The remedy is to relieve systemic dryness by drinking very warm water and incorporating more ghee into the diet. If constipation is severe, the toxins will ferment into the large intestine and then their gases will rise to the head, creating pressure. In this case, drinking Triphala tea and also having an enema with sesame oil can do wonders for relieving head pressure.

Massaging the tight neck muscles with warm Maharayan oil can release trigger points that radiate pain to the head. Try a few drops of sesame oil in your nostrils and inhale deeply. Wad headache requires deep rest and relaxation.


Pita headache


Migraines are most commonly associated with aggravated Pita dosha. Some symptoms include dizziness, nausea, acute piercing pain, burning, irritability and extreme sensitivity to bright lights. The causes of migraine pie are heat and sun exposure, hypoglycaemia due to hunger and hormonal / estrogen fluctuations.


The cure is to cool the pie. Massaging coconut oil on the head and scalp is very soothing. Putting sandalwood paste on the forehead soothes the pie. Herbs like shatavari and aloe vera gel maintain the balance of female hormone. Eating frequent meals prevents hypoglycaemia, and in the case of acute migraines, eating something sweet like fruit or meeting can help regulate low blood sugar. Putting a few drops of Brahmi Ghee in the nostrils relieves migraines.


Coffee headache


Coffee headacheis most often due to nasal congestion, which puts a lot of pressure on the sinus cavities. It leaves a dull, sick feeling in the face and head. It is often made worse by the allergy season.


There is usually an excess of ama or mucus toxins that must be purged from the system to allow  breathing to return to normal. The use of a net pot of salts will help to open the sinus ducts. A few bites of the Ayurvedic Vacha (dry root of calamus powder) quickly clear the stuffy head and sinuses. Drinking hot ginger tea and taking sharp spices like black pepper, cinnamon and cloves reduce mucus congestion. Inhalation of eucalyptus vapor provides great relief for congestive headache in coffee.


For all types of headaches, daily meditation along with deep abdominal breathing is a great way to relieve stress and emotional tension, which is almost always the cause of anxiety in the body. Increase meditation efficiency by using essential oils such as lavender or sandalwood to soothe mental activity.


An Ayurvedic spa treatment called Shiro Dhara can provide great comfort to all who suffer from headaches. The warm oil is poured into a slow, gentle stream over the forehead. The soothing movement of the oil, which flows back and forth on the head and scalp, literally melts the accumulated pressure. This is one of the  most divine therapies in Ayurveda, the opening of the third eye chakra, the removal of energy and physical blockages that gather in the head.

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