Treatment of periodontal disease with Ayurveda



Definition of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is one of the most common conditions affecting the oral cavity. The gum disease begins with plaque, a sticky film of food particles, germs and saliva. If not removed, the plaque will precipitate along the gum line. The embryos will produce toxins that will make the gums red, tender and likely to bleed while you brush your teeth.

There are certain chronic conditions and even some medicines that can cause plaque buildup faster. The purpose of daily washing and rinsing is to clean this plaque. When this plaque is not removed, it can harden into a tartar that builds up along the gum line and traps the germs from below.

The main cause of periodontal disease is the bacteria that cover your teeth and if the oral hygiene is poor, it forms a sticky white substance called plaque. The bacteria here multiply faster and produce toxins that irritate your gums, causing them to swell and flush.  If left untreated, they will destroy the tissue that connects the gums to the tooth and eventually the tooth to the bone. This causes a deep pocket in the gums where the bacteria begin to collect, eventually the bone structure begins to break down. At this stage, periodontitis is an irreversible form of gum disease.

Root causes of periodontal disease

  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Gingivitis (or pregnancy gingivitis)
  • Gum disease
  • Periodontitis
  • Trench mouth
  • Bad dentures and an unbalanced bite
  • leukemia
  • Diabetes 
  • Pregnancy and hormonal imbalance
  • Dry mouth
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Some medicines (blood thinners are among the biggest culprits)
  • Tobacco use
  • Gritting or grinding of teeth

Risk factors for periodontal disease

While the reasons listed above may well be at the root of your problems, these are some factors that put you at risk.

  • Age: Adults who are 30 and older have a 50% chance of being affected by gum disease and the odds are over 70% for those over 65.
  • Stress: Studies have shown that stress can reduce the body's immunity and ability to fight infections, such as periodontal disease.
  • Medications:As mentioned above, blood thinners are definitely the cause of gum problems, but other over-the-counter medications such as antidepressants, some heart medicines, and oral contraceptives may put you at greater risk. Consult your doctor or dentist to determine if your medicines are causing gum problems.
  • Choose the right type of toothbrushwith the help of your dentist. If you are too energetic with a toothpick, thread or toothbrush, it can also cause a problem.
  • Smoking: Smokers are at a much higher risk of gum disease because cigarettes contain dangerous toxins that add to inflammation and reduce the body's immune response.
  • Genetics: Some of us are genetically predisposed to gum disease.

 Symptoms of periodontal disease

The following symptoms of periodontal disease are easily noticeable. When you look in the mirror, do your gums or teeth look very red? Do your gums look swollen and pull away from your teeth? Touch your gums and see if you feel discomfort or if they feel slightly mushy to the touch.

  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding while washingor in saliva while spitting
  • Eating any kind of food causes bleeding
  • Red, tender or swollen gums
  • Teethgum recession
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Loose and shaken teeth

Diagnosis of periodontal disease

For persistent bleeding gums, there are some basic tests that need to be done by a dentist:

  • Oral examinationof teeth and gums
  • X-rays of teeth, jaw and chest(to eliminate lung problems that can lead to bleeding from the mouth)
  • CBC, blood differential
  • TC, DC, ESR, Hb%, sugar, calcium, urea and creatinine
  • Coagulation factors and serum prothrombin time
  • Time for bleeding and clotting

Ayurveda and periodontal disease

Pita dosha is considered to be a major cause of gum bleeding. When the liver is lethargic, The pita, which is distributed throughout the body, begins to travel in one direction. When this Pita congestion occurs in the gums, they are not able to retain blood, leading to bleeding gums. If excess mucus or high acidity occurs, it can also lead to bacterial infection, which identified as a disorder of Kapha.


Ayurvedic treatment of periodontal disease

Add a pinch of salt soaked in a glass of lukewarm water to create a saline solution that acts as an effective home remedy for periodontal disease. Use this to rinse in the morning and evening. This can help increase the circulation of your gums and reduce swelling.

  • Lemons are loaded with Vitamin Cand help reduce inflammation. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and add a pinch or two of rock salt. Massage this on the teeth and gums. Allow it to do its magic for a few minutes, then rinse off by rinsing with warm water.
  • Add a teaspoonful of trifala nuggetsto half a glass of warm water. Gargara with that decision.
  • Massage the gums with coconut oil in the morning. Do not rinse.
  • If you need a natural remedy for periodontal disease, massage aloe vera porridge on your gums, or drink aloe juice regularly to help ease the condition.
  • Make herbal mouthwash for henna bleeding gums. Boil a handful of henna leaves in 300 ml of water. Strain and cool to use the solution as the best mouthwash in periodontal disease.
  • The delicate leaves of the trees guava or jumun are known to increase gum strength when chewed.
  • Neem is antibacterial and astringentwhich is very healing. Use neem twigs as an herbal alternative to a toothbrush and as a natural remedy for periodontal disease.
  • Put a small slice of khadira in your mouth to hold the bleeding gums.
  • Hadira barkcan also be boiled to make a potion for gargar purposes.
  • Raw onions as tissue-building qualities. Chew raw onions until in the case of a sponge and bleeding gums.

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