Treatment of nasal polyps with Ayurveda





Nasal polyps are growths that develop in the nose or sinuses. They are actually very common, and can be caused by various allergies, inflammations and infections.




Usually, nasal polyps do not have certain symptoms. Most often they are cancer free.

However, there are cases where symptoms occur. They are itching, runny nose, sneezing, difficulty breathing and more.




Doctors may prescribe steroid nasal sprays for relief, which can stop the symptoms or completely get rid of polyps. However, the symptoms and polyps may return. Most treatments have been shown to improve  the symptoms and discomfort associated with nasal polyps. None have been shown to completely eliminate nasal polyps.


Nasal polyps and Ayurveda


Because the nose is in direct contact with the external environment, it is exposed to many microorganisms and pollutants present in the atmosphere Due to the increasing pollution of the environment and the busy lifestyle today, rhinitis is a common disease in the modern era . Improper management at this stage leads to sinusitis, which may later lead to chronic sinusitis.




More than 120 million Indians suffer from at least one sinusitis each year, and according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery  over 37 million Americans suffer from at least one episode of sinusitis each year.


Jamnagar is a coastal city with many industries. Due to air pollution, respiratory infections are common. A large number of sinusitis patients also report ENT diseases –  Shalakya, OPG of IPGT and RA.


Nasal polyps and other diseases


Once the sinuses are infected, improper lifestyles and poor eating habits can lead to the disease in the chronic phase. This chronic sinusitis is too difficult to cure completely. It remains as an outbreak of infection, leading to inflammation in all associated structures, such as tonsils, ear, pharynx, larynx and more.


Ultimately, this can lead to complications such as otitis media, osteomylitis, etc. There is a wide range of antibiotics and decongestants in modern medical science for the treatment of sinusitis. But these drugs can only help in the initial stage. Once the collection of pus is formed in the sinuses and does not drain itself, only surgery can help.


After the sinuses drain, antibiotics can help. FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery), Operation Caldwell-Luc, Howarth surgery, etc., These are the main surgical procedures for draining sinuses if conservative measures fail.


These surgical procedures are associated with many complications, including bleeding, oro-antral fistula, infraorbital anesthesia, neuralgia and paraesthesia. Current methods of treating chronic sinusitis are also expensive and have no side effects. Also, the frequent use of antibiotics leads to the gradual development of drug resistance. In addition, modern medicine does not offer a cure for allergy and viral infection.


Dushta Pratishyaya is the chronic stage of Pratishyayathat occurs due to neglect or mismanagement of Pratishyaya disease. In modern science, chronic sinusitis can be linked to Dushta Pratishyaya based on signs, symptoms, complications and prognosis. Changing lifestyles, rapid urbanization and increasing incidence ofantibiotic resistance are responsible for increasing the spread of sinusitis.


In a clinical trial, 37 patients were enrolled and were randomly divided into three groups: A, B, and C; of the 37 patients 31 had completed the full course of treatment. In group A Trayodashanga Kwatha with Madhu is taken orally; in group B Pradhamana Nasya with Trikatu + Trifala Churna is applied; and in group C (combined group), Pradhamana Nasya was initially administered, followed by oral Trayodashanga Kwatha with Madhu.


In group A, complete relief was observed in 10% of patients; in group B, a significant improvement was observed in 81.82% of patients; and in group C, significant relief was observed in 60% of patients. Compared to other groups (group A and group B), group C shows a percentage improvement in the majority of symptoms.


Acharya Sushurta, while dealing with nose diseases, dedicated a separate chapter to Pratishiya, after explaining in detail  Nasaga Horn. The very fact shows that Pratishiya  has been a major problem since ancient times.


Dushta Pratishyaya is not mentioned as a separate disease, but is rather considered a complication of different types of Pratishyaya. Because Dushta Pratishyaya is a serious and complex condition, it is very difficult to treat. It can cause many complications, such as Badhiriya, Andhata, Grananasha and others.

In general, the characteristics of Dushta Pratishyaya disease are similar to those of chronic sinusitis in modern science. Both diseases are characterized by nasal congestion, secretion of the nose, headache, anosmia, weight in the head and more.


Sushruta did not clearly mention the line of treatment of Dushta Pratishyaya. The treatment recommended by Vagbhattacharya for Dushta Pratishyaya is similar to that for Rajayakshma and Krimi Roga. Among the various treatments, Nasya is the primary procedure for draining Dosha from Shira.

As Dushta Pratishyaya is a chronic stage of Pratishyaya and Kapha Dosha is predominant in this state, Pradhamana Nasya was elected Chief avenue of Shodhana.


Ayurvedic description of nasal polyps:


In Ayurveda, nasal polyps are called Kafa-Rakta grants. The enlarged Kapha dosha accumulates in the wall of blood vessels and surrounding muscle tissues and leads to swelling known as Kapha-Rakta granthi  or nasal polyp.


The problem with the nasal polyp is described as nasaarsha in Ayurveda  Nasaarsh is caused by chronic irritation. Allergies or recurrent colds were the cause. Oral and local treatment of this problem is offered.




The local application of some oils to polyps is recommended to shrink them. If the main cause is allergy, it must also be overcome. Medications that areanti-allergic and immune booster  are recommended for the same.


Herbs used to treat this disorder:


Jayphala, giloya, kshar, haridra, kulanjana and many more. Researchers are studying the role of biological drugs, including drugs that cure severe asthma, to help reduce nasal polyps and relieve symptoms. Biologics work by targeting specific cells or proteins to reduce irritation and swelling. Early studies suggest that medications may become options for people whose nasal polyps do not respond to corticosteroids or surgery.

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