Ayurveda cosmetics


 Body care

In Ayurveda, body care is entirely natural – both as a means and as a method.

Oils are the main cosmetic product, which usually contains extracts of different herbs, tailored to the individual dosha and disturbances in energy balance.

Oils differ in their application and can be for external or internal use (for drinking, ear dropping, etc.).


There are a huge number of recipes for cooking oils with different herbal combinations.

When intended for application to the body, they are usually accompanied by massage at certain points – in addition to the mechanical effect of the massage, the oils are intended to penetrate deeply and contribute to both the removal of toxins from the organs and the restoration of balance on the dosha.


Some types of oils are recommended for one or two doshas, ​​while others have a balancing effect on the inside of the energy type.

  • There are medicinal herbal oils for all health problems, some of which have complex effects:
  • Valia Narayana is used to maintain and regulate the hormonal balance in women;
  • Pinda Tylam is used for massage in joint diseases;
  • Balaswandhadi and Brahmi Tailam are used in depressive states;
  • Mahamasha Tylam strengthens muscles;
  • Yuvatyadi Tylam stimulates the growth of the female breast, maintains the skin and overall good shape.


Carpuradi Taylameone of the most effective and most complex oils – it is suitable for the skin (refreshing, improving blood circulation), for arthritis and arthrosis, colds, muscle injuries and fatigue (especially for athletes), has an antiseptic effect. removes the pain.

 Kshibarala Tylam has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and is used in insomnia, headache, to relieve fatigue, helps against arthritis and rheumatism, generally contributes to increasing the flexibility of the body.

 Danvantaram Tylam is for the energy types of Vata and Kafa, and the effect is to relax the muscles and nerves.

Contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, useful for joints and bones, as well as over 50 herbal ingredients that enhance its cleansing effect through deep penetration through the skin.

In addition to being a massage, it can also be used internally – helps with emotional and mental disorders, problems with the urinary tract, hernia, gynecological diseases, stress.


Skin care

Zaurveda skin is an organism of extreme importance for the whole organism, as it is considered a "boundary" between it and the various effects of the external environment.

 Skin has many functions, the main ones being: it protects the body from mechanical effects, pathogens and loss of water; it is used for thermal insulation, temperature control, and as a receptor for part of the senses.

It is associated with all three doshas (the skin structure is influenced by Kafa, and its functions are regulated by Pita and Wata), which is why treatment through it can balance any energy types wiped out.


 Skin care includes hygiene (regular bathing) as well as the use of various Ayurvedic oils and products before, during and after the bath.


The bath may be with warm water or milk, with the addition of various herbs.

In the preparation of bathing water the following are used: rose oil, must, mustard, nalpara, etc. useful ingredients that have antifungal action and prevent infection.

Different herbs, bales, rose petals, etc. are used for the milk bath. –


suitable for energy imbalancepitta, very sensitive skin, pimples, acne.

Ayurvedic soap uses milk fat mixed with turmeric powder and various powders (triphala, nimbus).

The effects are deep detoxification of the skin, removal of dead cells, improvement of complexion.


Various products are used to protect the skin from external influences – cold, strong sun, strong wind, as well as for the treatment of skin diseases, cellulite, scars.

Against cellulite are good mass  Valia Lakshadi and Lakshadikera.

After bath, dry skin can be treated with ointment  Satadhouta Gritam. Cembarutadi Kera removes itching and is also used in hepatitis.


Jatiyadi Keraoil is used in early cracked skin.

For eczema, Pamantaka is recommended as is Nimbaharidadi powder.

Vranaropana oil can be used against scars and Jivantadi Yamakam massage oils are an effective remedy for cracked lips, palms and heels.


Face care

In Ayurveda there is a separate group of herbs – Varna that are used especially for the face – restore the natural complexion, rejuvenate and beautify.

Herbs participate in the composition of massage oils and masks (masks are also made from ointments).


Water can be used in the preparation of masks – plain or pink or milk, to which various herbs are added.

The herbs used to correct the complexion are turmeric, Indian sarsaparilla, vetiver, manja, saffron.

Added to powdered masks, they act against pigmentation, eczema, acne, dry, oily or pale skin and other problems affecting the skin of the face.


Oils and face creams are used in combination with massages, the effect of which is to improve blood circulation.

Certain cases of massage and cleaning can also be used powdered herbs.

In pigmentation, the most commonly used mask is Elady Churnam; for softening – Kolkuladadi Churnam; Sataduta Gritam is used for sunburn.

Vranaropana Tailam is an oil that is used in severe skin lesions – it heals wounds and scars, protects against pus formation and infection.


Hair care

Healthy and shiny hair is one of the hallmarks of beauty, and maintaining it requires a lot of constant care.

It has a fine structure, so treating it with chemicals depletes it, damages it, and can lead to its early loss.


Weyurveda hair is fully supported with natural products that nourish it, strengthen and have side effects.

In addition, the herbal ingredients in the products strengthen the scalp.


There are three main methods in cosmetic hair care – washing with different openings, hair mask and oils.

For washing are used: soap wood, shikakai, triphala, different dried colors (eg from hibiscus).

The masks are used to preserve the natural color of the hair.

The henna is very popular – a powerful natural colorant, which is added to all types of masks in combination with other ingredients: amala, basil leaves, iron powder, powder poppy seeds, nuke petals.

A popular product for the henna mask supplement is the Nimbapatari Churnam.

The application of the oils is accompanied by a head massage.


Shiroabhyangam contributes to the strength of the hair, prevents early aging and hair loss.

It is applied with different oils depending on the purpose, for example against dandruff and other diseases of the scalp.


Ayurvedic hair cosmetics are many varied according to the desired effect.

 Malatadi Oils Kerase Malatadi  is used against microbial scalp infections and hair loss.

 Ayapalakera Tailam is mainly used for hair loss and dandruff removal, but it also successfully deals with many other skin problems. Thanks to its strong nourishing effect, the oil Kayanyadi Kera activates the growth of hair.

There are also oils for the treatment of baldness, for example Cheria Bhringamalakadi Valia Bhringamalakadi.

Premature hair whitening can be used by Tundamariakdi.

Nimbaharidadi decoction Churnam is used for washing.



 Tooth care

The functions of the teeth are different: for the primary fragmentation of food, which is especially important for digestion; about speech, since they are involved in making sounds; and, of course, aesthetic – an essential element of a person's smile and overall radiance.


To maintain the good condition of the teeth and gums, as well as the oral cavity as a whole, three practices are applied in Ayurveda: Kaval vidhi (medications that are kept in the mouth for as long as possible); Gandusha vidhi (medicated gargara) and teeth cleaning with Ayurvedic methods and remedies.


 Kaval vidhi and Gandhusha vidhi have the following actions: maintain the strength of teeth and gums, remove bad breath, prevent rot and strengthen the roots; they heal the gums with swelling and bleeding, they have an excellent effect in the most common gum disease – gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis occurs in about 70% of people, and periodontitis, which usually occurs after the age of 30, affects approximately 30%. Periodontitis is the main cause of premature tooth loss.

In case of ventricular problems, bad breath Ayurveda uses different herbs: arimedasa, carnation, nimbus.


Coconut or sesame oil (15 ml) is usually used in the procedures, and at the discretion of the Ayurvedic physician other such as carporadi or arimedas taylam may be prescribed.

The oil is held in the mouth for 3 to 5 minutes or until it is filled with saliva, after which the contents must be spit out (should not be swallowed) and the mouth should be rinsed with about 100 ml of warm water (45 – 50 degrees).


To clean teeth, Ayurveda uses herbal brushes such as neem, triphala, arabic acacia, arak.


The most popular Ayurvedic products for oral hygiene are the powders Dasanakanthi and Patadia oils Valia Arimedes and Karpuradi. Dasanakanti We churn powder for morning teeth cleaning, also suitable for gum massage, as well as for any problems with teeth and gums.

Valia Arimedesis used to massage the gums after cleaning the teeth.

Carpuradi Tylame suitable for gum problems – gingivitis or periodontitis.

Patadi Churnam is used to stop bleeding.

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